Tuesday, November 12, 2013
The event will be held at the Beautiful Shades Restaurant and Event Center located South of Georgetown Rd!
Be there to fellowship with the people of Lafayette Neighborhood Community!
"No matter how big you THINK you are
you're NOTHING without support."
A Woman's Worth
Monday, September 9, 2013
Dear Love,
Oh how my heart skips a beat at the thought of you. I'm unable to truly get by without acknowledging your honest presence. I'm learning that at times when I feel my loneliness, it is I that has the power to change my emotions.
We all do this.
But I like to think being so in touch, ears ever so in tune with the melody of the Most High's baritone, that I am the only one who truly can change things. I can be a total crybaby sometimes, but it is only because of the love I have for people in general. Its really quite astounding being an introvert. I've become so comfortable within my love nest that analyzing the many different situations I witness from a distance has molded the person Ive grown to be.
I love love. I am so in love with the aroma love brings with its breeze. I'm convinced that I am unable to be in a long term relationship because they wont match my intensity as a person. All the great things I can bring to the table may get overlooked because I don't do what most females do.
This has nothing to do with standards.
Am I actively searching for love?
Am I waiting on Prince C to come rolling up in a black Monte Carlo ready to give me the world?
I know my true companion will arrive on a random evening when I'm no longer anticipating him.
My past proves this to be true.
Every love quarrel I found myself in was totally unexpected, but each one has taught me more than enough.
I just want to be kept Love.
I write this listening to Jesse Boykins "Spark" cover. You should listen to it, its really pretty.
Disguised Angel
Wednesday, September 4, 2013
Winston Jerome VS Your Tyler Perry Thoughts

Madea Goes to Jail that I read about his method being on the wrong side of the religious fence according to critics. But that’s what they are right? People that give constructive criticism when no one ever asked. Mr. Perry became so popular people were going so far as to say that he glamorizes cross-dressing with the Christian.... to continue reading click the link: Recorder Blog!

Tuesday, August 27, 2013
Something Sweet
What was suppose to be an easy solution quickly escalated into deep breathing patterns of heep, heep, hoof hoof, whooooooooosah. With every heep her eyes would roll and with every hoof sweat would pour from the space between her crown and eyes. And the whoosah only compounded the situation. The effect was in reverse! Someone shouted, SHE'S GONNA HAVE THE BABY!!!!
As the ladies all scurried... To continue reading visit: http://www.indianapolisrecorder.com/blogs/
Monday, August 12, 2013
Fireflies in the Night Sky...
I went to go see the debut McWit Productions of Black Men on Sex yesterday. It was the male and perhaps better version of the female show, Black Girls on Sex. Im sure all of you remember how awesome that show was.
The BMS show was slightly more self reflecting than the one I was apart of. By the time I made it home to recount the days' events, I had become inspired to be more independent as a woman. The last couple months Ive been feeling the pressure of accepting all of lifes' trials and tribulations and learning how to compress ill emotions that would fester from such woes, and let me tell you- it is so much easier to whine and cry about problems than it is to keep moving and STAY POSITIVE.
There. I said it.
But during this journey Ive found that before anyone can demand maturity and independence of another, one must possess such qualities in themselves. Perhaps that's why so many people live in unhappy relationships. There's no hope in trying to make someone be something that they are either not, or incapable of ever being.
This is why self love is so important, and why self reflection is imperative BEFORE re-entering the dating scene. Especially if the previous relationship was spent beyond a years' time. I do a lot of self reflection and rethinking past situations that could have been done differently that I try to not make the same mistakes twice. I understand how precious patience is during rough times. I understand moreso how to truly define the strengths and weaknesses of self, and how to be absolutely OK with those flaws.
We are human people.
No matter how important it is to seem superhuman and flawless, in the realm of being succumb to true unadulterated love, who would want perfection? The beauty is finding the smoothest rhythm between the two, and falling in love with the groove that was made comfortable amongst you.
We've all had our moments of heartbreak from relationships that went sour, but take a moment and really examine what went wrong, (and/or previous relationship) and be honest about the mistakes made from both sides. Its important to do so because most will just move on to the next person, fall blindly into another love bubble I like to call, the infatuation of difference, and the cycle will continue. Most of the time, when people finally realize their mistake, it is too late. And sometimes its a good thing.
"Life is a movie and we both said cut, but most times darlin the sequel sucks." That was a Wale lines which basically means, going back to an ex is sometimes redundant and a waste of time. And the people that don't try again, and Ill even go as far to say know they wouldn't have a second chance, are left feeling content with their choices. They may be happy. But the level of excitement is different. The intensity of their love affair is not nearly as enjoyable or worth fighting for as before.
I know this to be true.
Am I victim? Sure. Have I done my damage? I suppose.
Here's a good question..
Do I feel as though I may never love as hard or explosive as before? Sometimes.
Often times I'm nervous to be in that place again because I know it will happen again. But i do think its normal to feel that way. I believe the level of uncertainty in this category welcomes maturity, independence, serendipity, and of course a sound mind.
I remember the greatest love I encountered being unexpected yet so very refreshing.
And right on time.
I knew what I wanted and how I needed to be treated. Once I received it with open hands, I vowed to never let it go as long as it would have me. I in turn loved hard. We loved hard. We danced to the melody of us on replay until the disc itself skipped.
For that alone I will forever love, love. We are one. To love in a rush, one must remember that feeling. "And don't it feel good to just no longer be pretending to feel that feeling. You probably don't remember the last time you felt that feeling. And if heaven ain't a feeling then heights you ain't fearing.." -Harold Green
As I write this I realize I will only become a better person growing to be a better woman. I know what it takes to cater to boys. I know how to keep a boys attention.. that's easy. The challenge of keeping a man's attention has been accepted. I cannot demand a man to be everything to and for me whilst not elevating to be his everything.
His Queen.
Real will always recognize its counterparts, but will also magnetize towards what's true.
And these words are true.
Spoken from the land of Kovu.
I am SHE,
Wednesday, August 7, 2013
Para Trues
Erotic Slam: Team Dayton vs Indy Squad.
I mean seriously, I commend every prolific writer that takes the time to write such erotic poetry without making it sound extra creepy and triflin'. And cliche`. I'm just being real.
I honestly didn't intend on being on the Indy team for this slam. I just figured there was going to be an open mic (as always) and share my LITTLE piece of erotic I wrote from a challenge given back in February. Well. Word got out, and was somehow placed on the squad.
I personally blame Ms Gabby.
Nonetheless, the challenge was accepted and I had fun. The sexy was definitely created and I'm anticipating those pics!!
Oh as a footnote, Team Indy won. But shout out to the opposing team because on some real shit, THEY CAME WITH THAT HEAT...
putting my name in a rhyme.
Which was mega sexy.
Thanks to an awesome BGS sister, I am a contributing writer for the Indianapolis Recorder Newspaper!! Here's the link: ParaThoughts !! Share with all of your friends.
Hmm. What else?
OK. That's right.
A wonderful role model of mine has inquired about me joining her Incite2Insight Magazine for the city of Indianapolis. Not just a contributing writer, a STAFFED writer WITH a MF column!
Marinate on that.
If I get matched with an organization and begin working with the people, I will be a Public Allie. sp? Lol. There's so many awesome people in the world and I'm glad to meet them all and not just through the arts.
The title of my ep is called Guitar in the Hood. It was initially entitled the "Ionic Disposition of a Poetic Writer," and the moment I was banking on that long and perhaps exhaustive title, the words of a wise man whispered in my ear reminding me to never stop at your first idea. THANK YOU.
With that, yes. I have a guitar named Moses. Had him for two years and we are working absolutely amazing together.
Man. I'm so grateful for everything. In the words of my Popz, my change is coming. When your steps are ordered under the name of the Most High, who can steer you wrong? All glory goes to God. After three years of figuring out who, what, when, where, and how I want to do things my life is looking up. I'm maturing. I'm finally growing into the woman I could only imagine to become and it only gets better.
Earlier this year I blogged about 2013 being the year of the snake. I'm considered an earth snake according to my astrological make up. I believe this to be true because since February I have beholding everything that I thought were intangible. I have indeed been knocking down barriers and triumphing through the strong holds that tried to keep me smothered.
I'm alive
And I'm so in love.
And I am SHE
Sunday, June 23, 2013
Like Page!
Hey you guys! I have a Facebook page for you to stay in the know of what I'm doing. Click the link to like it!! g
Also: check out my raw page to purchase tickets for my upcoming show July 18, 2013 at Bartini's www.rawartists.org/paralectra !!!!!!!
As a footnote: check out this vid of Wax Poetic show at Indy Indie Arts Council !! It was such an awesome evening full of artist in love with the craft.
Wednesday, June 19, 2013
Fireflies in the night sky..
I thought i knew exactly what i wanted but the truth just melted away.
Faded into charcoal grey shades that walked behind me every step i made
Along the path toward forever.
I wouldn't know what awaits me but understood for the life of completion,
I just have to let it be.
Even when its complicated.
Those verses that were spoken in hopeful
phrases were created to be embedded within the hearts of man.
Worn like a necklace I heard them say
But for some reason on this day
Between crystal ornaments and balls of fire that twinkle in the sky has me up thinking,
Quietly trying to configure the sources of my mind
I know where my help comes from and i know its on the way
but how long am i to keep waiting?
So i folded it.
Carefully bent its corners along the vessel that pumped peace and patience between its words.
Shaped the outside of my complaints with silver linings of hope and gratitude
That whatever was blocking my shine would take flight and soar high for miles,
Parallel against the ceiling of uncertainty.
And I'll just breathe.
Marvel at the pure essence of truth being set free.
Agonize no longer over worry, guilt, or depression trying to kill me.
Praise the creator for never leaving me.
Wednesday, June 12, 2013
Black Girls On Sex
OK! This is the promo reel after our first show back in March. (2013)
And this is a 7 minute clip of our second show that took place on Mothers Day (2013)
Visit: http://www.blackgirlsonsex.com/behind-the-scenes.html to stay up to date on everything that BGS is doing!
Thursday, May 30, 2013
BGS !!

Tuesday, May 7, 2013
Black Girls On Sex Pt 2
BGS round II this Sunday
Friday, April 19, 2013
If ever i should fly..
Time and time again I'll have the notion to write pieces of insanity
I'd only desire to share in metaphorical sequences...
I envision death beds.
Laying sound asleep as growls snarl to a whispering sound
An unconscious body is tucked away beneath layers, and pounds of grief.
Silence he speaks.
Moans she seeks, perhaps whisking away through Time Warp's spell,
with solid arms dipped in golden armor
Vowing to protect her from danger and harm
She'd give back unto him her heart.
But it aches.
An irregular tempo that begins with a steady bump, thump
Soon speeds into hyperactivity that only the offbeat could dance to.
His love once inhaled the curiosity that stained her breast...
This hit could trigger thoughts of forever with her was happiness
But suddenly the trip to rehab withdrew all the symptoms of what loving her ass would get.
He use to love her.
She was more than a shorty masked as a poet crusher.
If words were the healer, then praise the creator.
If secrets were spoken, thank you for keeping them.
But if tears burned corneas before tongues tasted its fury
then why would loving make lover hurtful?
Living beds I see..
They're all misfit for trouble like she.
Too small too big uncomfortable and dull
I wanted to curse there butt fuck it - maybe I'm not grown.
What love would had found was an angel holding a turtle dove.
People say three months is too long to weep.
Ironic how my first love died in my arms and I couldn't cry.
But in my adult life, that night I died.
Sometimes I feel sleep walkish, as if I'm living a dream stuck in the moment.
Like maybe the sun would arise and dancing on its rays would be me grooving.
Oblivious of the time spent bathing in the sun
I would wade in the waters that's cool to the touch.
Fall in love with living in total peace naked in my nature
Never moved by defeat.
But I'm not asleep. Only faking it.
Wishing dear lover would roll over
Kiss lightly on cheek, and eternalize loving she.
I see death beds.
And as she rocks back and forth waiting
tears roll freely.
There were times, when you needed someone, I was there by your side, darling. I saw the light shining bright, and it was made special for you and I.
V is for Vengeance
Monday, March 11, 2013

Monday, February 11, 2013
Wednesday, January 23, 2013
Life will bring moments in which tears will fall during the most loneliest hour. Be it from a death in a family, a personal failure, or the worst I believe to bring the most tears-heartbreak. New love is so beautiful. It is so free and inspiring. At first, we live life to our personal agenda; going out to clubs, mingling with friends, and flirting, all in the spirit of good natured fun. But after the party scene is over and reality becomes an irritating repeating record, one longs for a companion. Once such love is found and all guards are put away, heartbreak is the last thing on our minds.
I've found that true love tastes the sweetest when it's unexpected. But Destiny has its mighty way of teaching lessons to people. The passion arrow of Eros strikes us when independence is a proudly worn necklace. When we've become relaxed and accepting of the free lifestyle to drink, smoke, and party our weekend away just to do it all again the following week, we bump into an angel. Unaware of the love that would pour out of us.. unbeknownst to the power such individual would purge from us in the coming weeks, love becomes the silver lining of reality.
Love. It is the most precious, powerful, annoying, most unconditional cup of life to ever drink from! This is true to the power of Jesus hanging, bleeding, and dying for a generation to come. One of the many peaceful men on Earth died as an example of how to live in a world full of hate and evil to died for no reason. He held the power to kill the men who whipped and cursed to His face, but he dealt with what he needed to do..
We all want love. We all need love. A wise man said "love is as hard as we make it and love is sacred because you have to sacrifice." Often times as we become dependent upon those we love, the idea of its demise never crosses our mind. There is power between two complete strangers who decides to be patient, and open their heart for each other. True love does indeed exist, and I believe that it will be the only thing to survive among the frivolous things that become tainted over time. Love is real. Love is true. I commend all who have gave in to the pressures of love in exchange for a mended soul. The two-way street that love travels across is an emotional vehicle itself. Sometimes it speeds in the fast lane, dodging other cars in a fearless rage to win a heart of gold. Other times Love cruises, listening to Sade's "Soldier of Love" allowing the world to see its beauty. And frankly, my love was in chill mode before I met him.
She was independent and traveling city to city, as far and as adventurous the gas would allow. And once the destination was found, she lived. Almost carefree. She had already experienced a portion of love that revealed lies, cheat and ultimately tears, so loving again wouldn't happen any time soon.
But that damn Cupid. During this time I was searching for a community of individuals that loved self expression. Somewhere I belonged and could comfortably be me. I found it, at Write-On the Poetry Spot.
I love, love. I vow to be a walking talking flower vessel of love emanating such trues everywhere I go because it exist! I'm learning to live among the many levels love has in its threshold. I'm learning to levitate over the various emotions love has to offer, and stay true to myself. Self love has to be evident, apparent, visually existing before anyone can match that power. Real recognizes real be it romantically or plutonic. Never let anyone tell you love doesn't exist. That person is blinded from their pain. Don't leave this world without feeling the lovely pressures of love, or reminding someone of its power. I promise you its real.
Dear Love,
I'm so in Love with You.